Nursing Bottle Syndrome (in Spanish)

Los Padres Alimentan Inadvertidamente El DolorDel Niño: Síndrome De La Botella De Enfermería Imagen de un niño de 5 años antes y después del tratamiento. Como dentista, si te dijera que había una cosa que podrías hacer para salvar a tu niño o bebé de undolor insoportable, lo más probable es q ...

All you Need to Know About your Child’s Teeth

All you Need to Know About your Child’s Teeth: A Healthy Baby is a Happy Baby Whether you're a parent in the US or anywhere else in the world, raising your first child isinvariably a steep learning curve. With so much on our plates, it's easy for parents tooverlook caring for baby's teeth, but ...

Nursing Bottle Syndrome

Picture of a 5 year old before and after treatment. As a dentist, if I were to tell you that there was one thing you could do to save your toddler or baby fromexcruciating pain, chances are you would sit up and listen. And yet, this simple advice flies below theradar for so many parents. Nurs ...